What is going on with the New Pit Boss Platinum grills? Poor Design or Poor Quality Control


Retired Moderator
May 11, 2020
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I have been seeing a lot of issues with these new Platinum grills all over the internet. Here is my 2 cents. Instead of Pit Boss re-invent the wheel with new KC Combo and Lockhart they should just focus on their current line up. Pro Series, Sportsman, and Navigator grill as these designs are perfect and more popular right now. Pit Boss should have invested time and money to add and offer a PID controller to these grills. Which then they can focus on R&D on new grills and listening to what consumers want because seriously that Lockhart does not do it for me what a gimmick of grill.

What is interesting is a Pit Boss rep told me that I do not need a PID controller on my PS1100 as that is what the P setting is for to adjust for temp swings( P setting only adjust the Auger and not the Fan as I told the rep and the PID controls both)....really then why in the hell did Pit Boss add a PID to the Platinum grills. I am getting worried about PB customer service and the lack of knowledge I have been dealing with lately. I have received my Savannah stoker and tuned the temp on Friday and smoked ribs yesterday and that controller and grill remained consistent temp within 3 -5 degrees not 5 - 30 with the original Pro Series controller. It is sad I have to by an aftermarket PID, but then again not sure if Pit Boss can match that Savannah Stoker controller performance...oh well that is my soap box for the day.
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I have been seeing a lot of issues with these new Platinum grills all over the internet. Here is my 2 cents. Instead of Pit Boss re-invent the wheel with new KC Combo and Lockhart they should just focus on their current line up. Pro Series, Sportsman, and Navigator grill as these designs are perfect and more popular right now. Pit Boss should have invested time and money to add and offer a PID controller to these grills. Which then they can focus on R&D on new grills and listening to what consumers want because seriously that Lockhart does not do it for me what a gimmick of grill.

What is interesting is a Pit Boss rep told me that I do not need a PID controller on my PS1100 as that is what the P setting is for to adjust for temp swings( P setting only adjust the Auger and not the Fan as I told the rep and the PID controls both)....really then why in the hell did Pit Boss add a PID to the Platinum grills. I am getting worried about PB customer service and the lack of knowledge I have been dealing with lately. I have received my Savannah stoker and tuned the temp on Friday and smoked ribs yesterday and that controller and grill remained consistent temp within 3 -5 degrees not 5 - 30 with the original Pro Series controller. It is sad I have to by an aftermarket PID, but then again not sure if Pit Boss can match that Savannah Stoker controller performance...oh well that is my soap box for the day.

My wife bought me a Pitboss KC Combo for Father’s Day. If you read on the KC Combo forum you can see the problem that I am having. So basically a smoke tube is what is needed to get more smoke flavor on meat. Spending a lot of money on the pit you would think Pitboss would give you one. After all they do recommend using one for more smoke. Anyway I’m dialing my pit in and it seems to be getting better.
I am glad it is working out with the smoke tube. I feel that Pitt Boss has some serious quality issues going on right now and if they do not fix it soon they will start to fade in the game. I understand they want to build an affordable pellet grill, but you need to actually have your affordable pellet grills to function and perform.
I am glad it is working out with the smoke tube. I feel that Pitt Boss has some serious quality issues going on right now and if they do not fix it soon they will start to fade in the game. I understand they want to build an affordable pellet grill, but you need to actually have your affordable pellet grills to function and perform.
What I’ve done is just set it on the smoke setting approx 160 degrees, while at first I did notice a lot of smoke then it die off I found if I leave it low then use the prime and manually feed pellets about every 10-15 minutes it usually gives me some good smoke. I totally agree though they should have something like this already programmed in and think you’d be able to via a firmware upgrade, hopefully that’s coming. I have kicked around the idea of a smoke tube but right now it seems to be working for me this way. Gonna do a pork butt tomorrow thinking about picking up a tube tonight to try out just to see the difference.
What I’ve done is just set it on the smoke setting approx 160 degrees, while at first I did notice a lot of smoke then it die off I found if I leave it low then use the prime and manually feed pellets about every 10-15 minutes it usually gives me some good smoke. I totally agree though they should have something like this already programmed in and think you’d be able to via a firmware upgrade, hopefully that’s coming. I have kicked around the idea of a smoke tube but right now it seems to be working for me this way. Gonna do a pork butt tomorrow thinking about picking up a tube tonight to try out just to see the difference.

The smoke tube worked for me, it produced a better ring and flavor but it’s quite not up to my standard. I bought the regular Pitboss charcoal pellets. Maybe this will bring the charred flavor I’m wanting. I’m doing ribs tomorrow and then a pork butt the next day. I’ll post results and pics. Plus I have new rubs and sauce from KOSMOS that I’m gonna try. The salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne I used on the brisket was pretty good. I think I’m gonna stick wit’s that on brisket but I’ll try otherrubs on ribs and pork butt
I have one of the longer smoke tubes and it last for around 6 hours. Last time I used Jack Daniels brand pellets that I got for Christmas. It was a small bag and too small to really make a difference in the hopper so I decided to use them in the tube. They worked good but I didn't taste any whiskey.
I have one of the longer smoke tubes and it last for around 6 hours. Last time I used Jack Daniels brand pellets that I got for Christmas. It was a small bag and too small to really make a difference in the hopper so I decided to use them in the tube. They worked good but I didn't taste any whiskey.

I just emptied my hopper of the competition blend pellets from Academy and refilled with Pitboss charcoal pellets. I turned on the pit to about 225 and immediately smelled a difference in the smoke that was coming from the pit. It has more of a wood burn smell. I hope this translates to the flavor I’m looking for. I’m doing a pork butt tomorrow, but I’m not sure if I want to use the smoke tube or not. The pork butt may be a little bitter if I use to much smoke. Decision decisions...... I am also debating using Moe Casons Competition Rib Rub which I have used already but not with the charcoal pellets or the new stuff I got from KOSMOS Honey Chipotle or Dirty Bird.
But for sure when I do another brisket I’m gonna use the smoke tube with my blend of spices that I came up with. The rub recepie I made up is simple and I lIke the flavor profile: 1/2 cup coarse black pepper, 1/4 Kosher salt, 1/8 cup granulated garlic powder and 2 Tblsp of cayenne.
First time I used charcoal pellets I did two racks of ribs, one with rub and one without just to see how the charcoal pellets would do. I think they did fine but only had a hint of charcoal. Sometimes I mix the charcoal 50/50 with competition blend.

Let us know how yours turned out.
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First time I used charcoal pellets I did two racks of ribs, one with run and one without just to see how the charcoal pellets would do. I think they did fine but only had a hint of charcoal. Sometimes I mix the charcoal 50/50 with competition blend.

Let us know how yours turned out.
10-4 will do