Using "Smoke setting" only on pit boss


New member
Jun 20, 2020
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united states
Out of Houston Texas (new caney), novice smoker at best.

Coworker and myself were discussing the "P" settings on our pit boss grills. My understanding was that this was only for initial start up. I realize i was wrong.

My question is, has anyone used the "smoke" setting for an entire cook session? And what you experienced with that? My thinking is that you are in for a long day if you stay on that setting. Pit boss specifically states that is what the "P" setting is for, and around 225-250 temp setting. We were looking for ways to increase the smoke flavor of the meat we are cooking. Im going to try and initially staying on the smoke setting for around an hour or two when the meat first goes on and then bringing the temp up to the 225-250 setting and see if that gets the difference in flavor im looking for. Just wondering anyones experience with that?

Im new here and look forward to learning some tips and tricks. Thanks
I think with the smoke setting, thats for when you smoke a brisket for like 10-12+ hours or more. Could be wrong though...
When doing 3-2-1 ribs I use the smoke setting on my grill. Usually keep it at P4. I'm not sure if it works on other settings. The first 3 hours I leave ribs on smoke then wrap them and up to 225. Have also done chicken, turkey and more on the smoke setting but at some point you will need to turn it up to hit that internal temp.
I tried smoke only on some pork butt today. Used smoke only for 6 hours, bumped the temp up to 225 and walked away. Came back two hours later to find the display temp flashing, temp was 100* inside and the fire pot was overflowing with pellets. Entire inside of the cooker covered with ash. The auger cover to the left of the fire pot had 1/4" of ash sitting on it. Not impresses whatsoever for a first time use......
Using the smoke setting is fine on anything you want to smoke. The P settings only works within the smoke so if you want to add more smoke you can move it up to P5 I do not recommend moving ot to 6 or 7 unless you are sitting right next to the grill.
I have used the "smoke" setting for the primary method on more than one cook so far. Checking my "meatheads logs" ...

1. Chicken breasts. 6 breasts on the grill, on the smoke setting for 1.5 - 2 hours. They look kind of funny, something like baked potatoes, but they are sure juicy. Cherry pellets, and everyone loved them.

2. Hamburgers. I had thighs on the bottom rack, smoking. Put hamburgers on the top rack, on top of aluminum foil. 1 hour later, too done, only smoked on one side, because of the foil. They were red, due to being cooked in smoke only. We used a searzall to move them along to more apetizing colors. I'll try this again on the top rack, but this time only for for 30 minutes, and flip them at 15 minutes.

3. Steaks. New York Strip steaks. We saw a recipe on . One of our party likes medium rare, three like medium or more. We used smoke for 1 hour for the medium ones, and about 45 minutes for the medium rare. I was aiming for 125F and 140F. I think we got to 120F and 130F, but we needed to leave to get to a party. They were red, due to the smoke, so we seared them in a cast iron skillet on a grill which has a gas side burner. The skillet was between 450F and 500F, according to the Fluke handheld thermometer. We wrapped them in foil and towels, and even though we didn't get to eat them until over an hour later, they were still warm and very good. We will be using this as a sure-fire fallback. It wasn't quite as edge-to-edge as sous vide, but close. I think we'll go with 1 hour, 15 minutes for the medium, and stick with 45 minutes for medium rare the next time.

4. 3-2-1 ribs. was our roadmap, followed it as close as we could. This wasn't an entire session on smoke, but the first 3 hours was.

Welcome to the forums, keep us posted on all your great cooks!
I did ribs for my 1st smoke on my KC Combo yesterday with the 3-2-1 method and they came out great. I’m ready to try a brisket now.
I did ribs for my 1st smoke on my KC Combo yesterday with the 3-2-1 method and they came out great. I’m ready to try a brisket now.

I am not a huge brisket guy, but do at least two a year because of my wife. I only use a top premium brisket from a local butcher anything from Sams Club or grocery store nope from me.