I just wanted to say thank you!


New member
Sep 28, 2020
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You guys have no idea how much you helped this new Pit Boss owner! I was losing my mind trying to figure out what's wrong until I went through a few threads and someone posted a picture of their fire box being overflown with pellets and someone said to switch the auger and the fan cords and VOILA it worked. It holds a temp perfectly now. I'm dirty as hell just finished doing it and setting my grill to 200 and it worked like new. No more huge clouds of smoke, no more heavy soot build up and no more stress. Thanks again!
that is awesome and I have reached out to Pit Boss a few weeks ago and let them know this has been a serious problem. They actually responded back with a thank you we are looking into it, but not seen a thing about it. I wish PB would post something on their website on it.
@OnYourPerson - That's great to hear. Have you been able to use it much since?

I've been using the hell out of it. My tri tip game is on a new level. Still trying to perfect ribs and wings on it though. Can't seem to get it fall off the bone tender ribs. Chicken ends up a bit dry for my liking.

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