Trolls, unwanted conversations here at our forum.


Well-known member
May 28, 2021
Reaction score
N Ga Mountains
Hate to report this kind of crap. But anybody else getting private conversation requests from dating / lewd pics websites?
I just got a conversation request And from the subject line I will not be opening it. Is there an administrator or anybody that needs to handle this?
Hate to see this junk start in here. I’ve seen it ruin others. Anyway who can deal with this and maybe block it or something?
I hate to see this kind of crap start in here. I’m fairly new but this is a great forum. We don’t need this.
I reported also.
Sorry guys, this goes on all the time and I usually catch it before it gets out of hand. This one caught me sleeping... Well, not sleeping but busy at work. Did not have time to log on and check things out yesterday.

If you see anything in the future hit the "Report" button.


And I should not have to tell you this because we all know better - NEVER click on a link in a private message if you don't know the person. I checked the IP addresses of the two users in question and they originated from Russia. They typically log on and create accounts in the middle of the night or late afternoon - both times when I am not on. We have some good filters here but some of them are sneaking thru.
Just an update another one signed up a little while ago. Person has been banned but I have a feeling this might go on all day. I'll check in when time allows, pretty busy at work today.
Hate to report this kind of crap. But anybody else getting private conversation requests from dating / lewd pics websites?
I just got a conversation request And from the subject line I will not be opening it. Is there an administrator or anybody that needs to handle this?
Hate to see this junk start in here. I’ve seen it ruin others. Anyway who can deal with this and maybe block it or something?
Got one just now and reported - pathetic people!
Ok it looks like this forum is being targeted as they seem to be creating accounts pretty fast and I won't have time to sit an monitor them all day. I'll log on from time to time and check but if anyone gets a private message REPORT it and I or @primeone will take care of it. My computer is running very slow today too so it is taking even longer.

If one of these spammers happens to post something in public report it as well.


My suggestion for the time being is to make all new members approved before joining. I know it can be a pain to sign up and wait but I think that is the only thing that will work. I do not have enough access to the forum to make setting changes. Perhaps @primeone can change the settings to make all new members go thru an approval process before being able to post or send private messages. In the last 10 minutes I have banned 3 new members from Russia.
My suggestion for the time being is to make all new members approved before joining. I know it can be a pain to sign up and wait but I think that is the only thing that will work. I do not have enough access to the forum to make setting changes. Perhaps @primeone can change the settings to make all new members go thru an approval process before being able to post or send private messages. In the last 10 minutes I have banned 3 new members from Russia.
That’s insane. But unfortunately the world we live in.
thanks Mike. I’ve created, moderated etc forums myself. I know it’s a pain. appreciate what y’all are doing.