Series 4 - sold out


New member
Jun 17, 2021
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I'm looking for a series 4 which I've learned is only sold at Lowes and is not in stock any where. What should I consider buying that's similar to that?
Thank you!
Walmart has the Brunswick. The Walmart smokers have a different PID controller than the Lowe's versions (that's dumb I know, why not make a universal controller). Brunswick vertical smoker at Walmart

have heard good things about it and some people on here may have one.

If you are set on the series 4 Lowe's might be able to order one.

I went with the PBV4PS2 from Lowe's. Same feature as the Brunswick, minus the light and different controller. PBV4PS2 has the sticking/binding ash clean out issue solved, same feature but different design to prevent it from binding from heat warping. Walmart is always sold out online to order. When I got a email they have some, they were sold out again. Happen three time to me.
I'm looking for a series 4 which I've learned is only sold at Lowes and is not in stock any where. What should I consider buying that's similar to that?
Thank you!
I"d call and see if you can order it or if another Lowe's has one, if it could be sent to the store near you. My local Lowe's out out of stock but one 40 miles away has 3.
go to lowes web shop for item then see if in stock if not start using there locations for in stock item
That’s the one I have from Lowe’s. Love it.
they were actually out of stock and I talked them into selling the display unit. Had good luck so far.