RIP my Pit Boss?


Staff member
Apr 24, 2020
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Kalamazoo, MI
Tropical Storm Fred arrived this afternoon. It blew my PB grill off the carport! I sure hope it's gonna be ok. I just had gotten home from work and I heard it fall over off the carport into the yard. Picked it up as fast as possible since the hopper was full and tried to close it. Then ran to the backyard to grab the cover which by this time was full of water. Did my best to cover it up but I dread checking the hopper later. I hope it is t filled with swelled up pellets.

At least the power is still on!
Tropical Storm Fred arrived this afternoon. It blew my PB grill off the carport! I sure hope it's gonna be ok. I just had gotten home from work and I heard it fall over off the carport into the yard. Picked it up as fast as possible since the hopper was full and tried to close it. Then ran to the backyard to grab the cover which by this time was full of water. Did my best to cover it up but I dread checking the hopper later. I hope it is t filled with swelled up pellets.

At least the power is still on!
Oh man Mike. Not only do I hope your beloved PB can recover , but we got all YALL folks in that mess in out prayers as well. Hang in there and stay safe my friend.
Tropical Storm Fred arrived this afternoon. It blew my PB grill off the carport! I sure hope it's gonna be ok. I just had gotten home from work and I heard it fall over off the carport into the yard. Picked it up as fast as possible since the hopper was full and tried to close it. Then ran to the backyard to grab the cover which by this time was full of water. Did my best to cover it up but I dread checking the hopper later. I hope it is t filled with swelled up pellets.

At least the power is still on!
Sure hope it’ll be fine. Just glad you made it through it Mike.
Last night after it passed there were swelled up pellets all over the carport. I uncovered the PB and looked in the hopper and moved pellets around. They appear to be OK. Most of them fell on the ground anyway when it blew over.

When it first happened I had been home from work about 15 minutes. By this time I had my work boots off and was barefoot. Believe me, when pellets are on the concrete the last thing you wanna do it walk around barefoot! So I grabbed a broom and swept most of them off into the yard but by this point the grill was already upside down in the yard. Once I swept them up I turned the PB right side up, closed the hopper and put it back on the carport then ran out to the backyard to grab the cover. At this point my wife was also out and rolling the vertical PB closer to the door so I would have a little room to cover the grill and roll it up beside the wall. I emptied out the cover and put it back on and had no more issues (the vertical was fine but the cover was soaked).

Will check it this weekend and run it with no grates to make sure the auger turns.

This wasn't that bad of a storm. We never lost power but did lose cable, internet and phone for a few hours. We've had much worse storms and usually think nothing of them. But after a direct hit by Hurricane Michael we are a bit skittish any time one of these storms come. Fred had sustained winds of 45-50 and gusts around 75 and I think that's what blew the grill away.
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Nothing to report yet. I haven't had time to check it out. It rained all day Saturday and then I worked on Sunday. So I just haven't had time to check it. The good thing is that I know how to take it apart and take out the auger if it is jammed up. My PB has a small 5 lb hopper so it is easy to dig around in it. Maybe this afternoon I'll open the hopper and dig thru pellets and see if any got wet. But it's supposed to be raining this afternoon and even though the PB is on the carport it is still a hassle to mess with it in the rain.
Ok, so I had a little time yesterday afternoon to check it out - the hopper is OK and no pellets got wet. I believe most of them fell out on the ground when it turned over. I was able to dig down to the auger and saw nothing out of the ordinary. However I did not plug it up to see if it still works. I imagine it will work fine because it has no damage and seemed to have had a soft landing when it fell over.
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That's good news Mike. I look forward to hearing the all is well with your smoker when you fire it up.
More rain this weekend so I may not be able to use it for a 5th or 6th weekend in a row. Hurricane Ida is coming. It is not coming here but it will bring a lot of rain to our area Sat and Sun.
More rain this weekend so I may not be able to use it for a 5th or 6th weekend in a row. Hurricane Ida is coming. It is not coming here but it will bring a lot of rain to our area Sat and Sun.
My fingers are crossed for you. I hope you can at least get a quick cook in between the rain drops to determine if your smoker is ok and give you a little piece of mind. That would also take care of the withdrawal symptoms I'm sure your having from not smoking for so long............. good luck my friend!
More rain this weekend so I may not be able to use it for a 5th or 6th weekend in a row. Hurricane Ida is coming. It is not coming here but it will bring a lot of rain to our area Sat and Sun.

Oh man. That’s all you need. More rain. Well hunker down and take care of the family. I know just a little how it’s like Mike. I’m a younger lifetime I lived several years around Houston Baytown Webster and Galveston Tx. There were a couple I remember when we were betweeen Houston and Galveston. That was enough to scare the crap outta me. Thank God we weren’t actually in Galveston.
Anyway serious. Stay safe and best of luck.

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