Last night after it passed there were swelled up pellets all over the carport. I uncovered the PB and looked in the hopper and moved pellets around. They appear to be OK. Most of them fell on the ground anyway when it blew over.
When it first happened I had been home from work about 15 minutes. By this time I had my work boots off and was barefoot. Believe me, when pellets are on the concrete the last thing you wanna do it walk around barefoot! So I grabbed a broom and swept most of them off into the yard but by this point the grill was already upside down in the yard. Once I swept them up I turned the PB right side up, closed the hopper and put it back on the carport then ran out to the backyard to grab the cover. At this point my wife was also out and rolling the vertical PB closer to the door so I would have a little room to cover the grill and roll it up beside the wall. I emptied out the cover and put it back on and had no more issues (the vertical was fine but the cover was soaked).
Will check it this weekend and run it with no grates to make sure the auger turns.
This wasn't that bad of a storm. We never lost power but did lose cable, internet and phone for a few hours. We've had much worse storms and usually think nothing of them. But after a direct hit by Hurricane Michael we are a bit skittish any time one of these storms come. Fred had sustained winds of 45-50 and gusts around 75 and I think that's what blew the grill away.