New member
I am a new Pit Boss Vertical Pro Pellet smoker owner and did a 5 pound Boston Butt last night. I know it's 1.5 hours per pound and did it for roughly 7.5 hours. The directions I was given off YouTube and the Pit Boss website said smoke at 225, then for the first 2 hours, open every hour and moisten which I did with Apple Juice. Then when the temperature reached 160, put the butt in tin foil and continue smoking until it reaches 197 (roughly). Then take off the tin foil and finish smoking until it reaches 201 degrees and it's done.
Now, herein lies the question...remember I'm new at this
!!! When it reached 197, I took the tin foil off and put the butt back in to reach 201 degrees, IT NEVER DID GO ABOVE 185. After almost 7.5 hours I panicked and decided to take it out of the smoker and when we cut into it, it had the prettiest smoke ring and tasted great. However, like I said, it never reached over 185 degrees after removing the tin foil (using an internal probe). I did notice after taking off the tin foil and continuing to smoke, I was out of water (something I need to keep an eye on in the future and yes, I'm new a this) and filled it up again with water to finish the smoking.
Any ideas why it didn't reach 201 but came out great...could it be the lack of water until I noticed it.
Thanks for any response to matter how silly it makes me feel, I need to learn. Doing Beer Can Chicken next!!!!!!!
Now, herein lies the question...remember I'm new at this

Any ideas why it didn't reach 201 but came out great...could it be the lack of water until I noticed it.
Thanks for any response to matter how silly it makes me feel, I need to learn. Doing Beer Can Chicken next!!!!!!!