New to the smoker game...


Active member
May 23, 2022
Reaction score
North Carolina
After almost a year of watching YouTube and reading everything I could get my hands on, matched with a sweet opportunity of a marked down PBV4PS2 vertical smoker from Lowe's. I did my burn-in the other day without any huge issues. Just some newbie jitters around priming, using the app, etc. Its amazing that I have been in North Carolina for over 20 years and did not own a smoker.

I bought this grill already assembled as it was a floor model but I do see some installation "sloppiness" I will correct over the next few days. One thing I have noticed is that my lower trays for water and heat deflection are very difficult to get in and out of the box but the upper two shelves are so easy, that with some weight on them they will pop out of their tracks. Its was not quickly obvious to me if there was a way to square up the unit. Any tips in that regard would be welcome.
Welcome. I would call customer service on those shelves if their loose. I have the same smoke and mine fit in snug. My water pan fits in a little snugger due to I line it with aluminum foil for easier clean up.
Welcome. I would call customer service on those shelves if their loose. I have the same smoke and mine fit in snug. My water pan fits in a little snugger due to I line it with aluminum foil for easier clean up.
Thanks. I took a closer look and saw the side wall was bent in where the shelves rest. Was able to pry it out flat and now all is fine there.
After almost a year of watching YouTube and reading everything I could get my hands on, matched with a sweet opportunity of a marked down PBV4PS2 vertical smoker from Lowe's. I did my burn-in the other day without any huge issues. Just some newbie jitters around priming, using the app, etc. Its amazing that I have been in North Carolina for over 20 years and did not own a smoker.

I bought this grill already assembled as it was a floor model but I do see some installation "sloppiness" I will correct over the next few days. One thing I have noticed is that my lower trays for water and heat deflection are very difficult to get in and out of the box but the upper two shelves are so easy, that with some weight on them they will pop out of their tracks. Its was not quickly obvious to me if there was a way to square up the unit. Any tips in that regard would be welcome.
Welcome to the group!!
Roll that smoke 💨 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
welcome to the world of smoke you will love that unit . my suggestion is I you want extra smoke flavor buy a smoke tube its night and day in flavor .I have the same unit and smoke any chance I get