My biggest cook to date. How do I reheat 50 lbs of pulled pork?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2021
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Tomorrow after work I will be cooking 5 pork butts they are 10-11 pounds each. They are for my stepdaughters wedding reception on Saturday. I'm going to put the 2 largest ones in my UDS and the other 3 in my 1600. I'm trying to decide how to reheat that much pork. I'm thinking about 3 options.

1- Reheat whole and pull just pryor to serving

2- pull and put in foil pans and heat slowly at 170 in the oven

3- pull it and then vac seal it, and heat it in the bags in to hot water to reheat.

Does anyone have any recommendations? One of my ideas or something different? I've never had to reheat that much before. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or ideas.
Tomorrow after work I will be cooking 5 pork butts they are 10-11 pounds each. They are for my stepdaughters wedding reception on Saturday. I'm going to put the 2 largest ones in my UDS and the other 3 in my 1600. I'm trying to decide how to reheat that much pork. I'm thinking about 3 options.

1- Reheat whole and pull just pryor to serving

2- pull and put in foil pans and heat slowly at 170 in the oven

3- pull it and then vac seal it, and heat it in the bags in to hot water to reheat.

Does anyone have any recommendations? One of my ideas or something different? I've never had to reheat that much before. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or ideas.
And so it begins.......... 54.3 lbs
Finished around 2:00 am, then rested in the oven at 170 until 7:30. Pulled all 5 butts and mixed together. Added a little Stubbs sauce ,some rub, and some of the drippings that I ran through the fat separator. It's vac sealed in the refrigerator waiting to go to the reception. I decided to go with the recommendations and heat it in the vac seal bags in a pot of water.
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Finished around 2:00 am, then rested in the oven at 170 until 7:30. Pulled all 5 butts and mixed together. Added a little Stubbs sauce ,some rub, and some of the drippings that I ran through the fat separator. It's vac sealed in the refrigerator waiting to go to the reception. I decided to go with the recommendations and heat it in the vac seal bags in a pot of water.View attachment 4713
Looks really good. Vac seal definitely the way to go. Retains all the flavor, moisture and texture. You're a good step dad. Definitely a lot of work.