Greetings from the Pacific Northwest


New member
Mar 3, 2021
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I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon and love to smoke and grill year-round. My family gave me the gift of a Memphis Ultimate Smoker Grill at the end of last summer and it's been a delight. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because it was purchased at a season-ending sale, it clearly had been the floor model, and it had been assembled by WalMart staff. To their credit, they did a great job. Nothing was missing and everything was tight and in it's proper place.

This is a much more solid unit than other grills I've owned and it's clear that it was designed with some attention to detail. I love the versatility, and a couple of times I've had things cooking in/on all three sections of the grill simultaneously. I've always grilled a lot, but now I'm doing it as much as 5 nights a week.

I just discovered this Forum and look forward to some learning & sharing about the joys of great meals from the grill!