Been gone a long time. Old question For PBV4PS2 owners


Well-known member
May 28, 2021
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N Ga Mountains
As the title says. This is a very old touchy question. My wife and I have been hit twice wirh the virus I won’t name here, also a couple of close friends early passing away. Well obviously I haven’t been able to cook for quite awhile.
im just curious. Those with the PBV4PS2 units. Which smoke it app is working for you?
Smoke-It. Or Legacy?
During all the confusion I was told the smoke-it and not legacy was what I should be running.
problem was. It wouldn’t. Legacy is still on my iPhone. But not available at the App Store anymore.
if they finally got it fixed now would be an opportune time to try again. But If I have probs I can’t get Legacy back, from what I’m being told. so does anybody know if it’s fixed to run on my smoker ?
legacy had its quirks but worked when the other would hardly do nothing.
I just wanna know which is working (best) on this smoker before I delete it off my phone.
rhanks in advance
As the title says. This is a very old touchy question. My wife and I have been hit twice wirh the virus I won’t name here, also a couple of close friends early passing away. Well obviously I haven’t been able to cook for quite awhile.
im just curious. Those with the PBV4PS2 units. Which smoke it app is working for you?
Smoke-It. Or Legacy?
During all the confusion I was told the smoke-it and not legacy was what I should be running.
problem was. It wouldn’t. Legacy is still on my iPhone. But not available at the App Store anymore.
if they finally got it fixed now would be an opportune time to try again. But If I have probs I can’t get Legacy back, from what I’m being told. so does anybody know if it’s fixed to run on my smoker ?
legacy had its quirks but worked when the other would hardly do nothing.
I just wanna know which is working (best) on this smoker before I delete it off my phone.
rhanks in advance
Trying times for sure. Perhaps doing some smokin’ is therapeutic, it helps set the craziness aside for a while.
To your question, I have that model but am only familiar with SmokeIT, which is what I’ve uses since I got my Pit Boss last fall. Overall I’m satisfied with it.
I can't answer that because my neither of mine have the option for Smoke-IT. But I just wanted to say good to see you back @Edchad I have been meaning to check in with you and see how things were going. Good to see you posting again.
Hey Steve thanks for the info. Man I hated to even bring it up but I believe things are letting up enough that I my be able to do some cooking.
Just a ‘tad’ I’d background as most in here already know I had a devil of a time. Made two calls for support. Was given two different answers. It’s been quite awhile back and I don’t even remember all the fine details myself other than legacy worked best for me. Now it wasn’t perfect by far. Would drop, occasionally do goody things we’ll all the stuff Almost everyone else had experiences. But smokeiT did nothing.
Last night before I posted this I checked online and saw legacy still missing from the App Store and it seemed SmokeiT had a little better overall review. Again. I’ve been away quite awhile.
I was wondering what version I had as I’ve never been able to find it. Anyway I clicked and opened it and the darn thing was showing the cooker had came on, a temp setting an actual temp. Never had that happen. Btw the smoker is in the garage and has t been plugged in for ages.
That’s why i thought maybe it was time to try it again.
Again I apologize for waking up a sore subject. And also thanks to Mike in Fl And a couple of others that checked in on us during all of this.
It’s been quite a ride.
As always thanks to everyone in advance.
Hello Mike! You must have posted while I was writing that novel. Lol. Thanks bud for all ya do. Over and above!
The Smoke-It app is the only one that seems to work for me. Controls certainly are not the same on as the unit. 25deg increments on the app vs 10deg increments on the smoker.
Smoking good food is a HUGE stress reliever for me! :)
I almost decided not to post a reply/results but thought it fair for those that answered me and gave me some info.
Long story short. After my wife pulled out about 830 this morning I took the cover off and rolled it to its cookin place. Lol.

Also beforehand I went ahead and deleted Legacy off my iPhone. As I already said it had worked decent but when it messed up you better be close enough and quick enough to tend to it.

So with great hopes I downloaded the Smoke-it app and started the setup. The whole time wondering what the heck am I gonna do if it doesn’t run and Legacy is no longer in the App Store????

Also worth mentioning. I got the stick burner pulled out and ready just in case. Mama wants ribs tonight. Lol.

Ok. In all fairness the setup seemed to go well. Better than I remembered before. Asked for permissions WiFi and pw also went thru the Bluetooth connection. When all finished I felt pretty good about it.

Well, that was until after about 20 minutes I started trying to make some minor adjustments. Temp change etc. The smoker was set on S. And actual was 130.
I used the app and tried raising it several times. 200. 250. Well a lot of attempts. And everytime it did the same thing. I would put it on the temp I wanted. It would blink a few seconds. And go right back to S.

Somewhere along the line the actual temp on the smoker rose to like mid 150s. I don’t remember the actuL number. But the app still showed 130.

Tried everything I could think of. Even uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times and it seemed to get worse. Now besides not making temp changes. Not tracking actual temp properly. It wouldn’t t even let me shut it down from the app.

By this time it was a little after 12 noon. I went ahead and fired up the wood burner. Got it under control. And with aggravation running thru my veins went back to the PB.

I double checked and Legacy was still not at the App Store. But I looked thru ‘purchased apps’ and it was listed with the download icon next to it.
Apparently it saved itself to the iCloud so I did get it back.

So again. I did the install. I let it run probably over an hour (empty) and played with the app while my ribs were cooking on the other smoker.

Well as before it ran. Took every command temp change. Shutdown. Everything.

The main probs I had with it before was it would lose connection quite often.

On the install this time. It was a little different. It asked for permissions it didn’t before. On the WiFi before I had to manually configure it up.

Anyway this time it asked permissions pw and instructions for Bluetooth.

So I still don’t know proof positive that it will work any better this time. But for sure 1000%. Smoke-IT will not work in this thing.

It’s a very nice day for this time of year here. I’m sitting under a shed in a recliner whittlin’ and feeding a stick every now and then to this smoker.

In a few days I’m gonna pull out the PB again and do an actual cook.

Something obviously changed with Legacy from the way the install went. So we will see.

I don’t know what possibly could be different with this smoker and everyone else that has them. But somethings different.

And before anyone asks. No I did not call support.

I did that a couple of times maybe a year ago. They were very helpful and thought it was fixed and running. But both times it went bonkers before the end of the cook.

I don’t ask for much. Lol. I’m in bad health and would just like to reliably change temps and monitor what’s going on. Yes I monitor actual temps w my Enzoo wireless probes. But it’s spooky to walk out and see something way different than what the app shows. Like Set temp. A couple of times way past I noticed my probe temps had dropped drastically. The app looked normal. Walked outside and it had shut itself down.

And I realize I can just trash the apps entirely. But that convenience is one of the reasons for buying this thing.

I’ll hush. Sorry for such a long almost rant. But that’s where I’m at.

Heck if it is. I’m still a PB fan. I still have my little silvertone. It still works great.

Temp probe went out waaay out of warranty. I contacted them and they sent me a new one with instructions to install.

I guess I just got a goofy one. And with all the outside cookers I got anyway right now I’m really wondering why I bought it.

Got a couple of son in laws that might just get an early Christmas present. Lol.

As always thanks for the info. Great bunch here. And I’ll see how it goes next time.
I have the PBVPS2 and an android phone. I recently did a smoke and started with the app I downloaded last May. It registered the temp but I couldn't adjust it. I checked the app store and downloaded it again. This turned out to be the latest version of Smoke IT. It fired up and immediately worked grreat, allowing me to see the temp (oven and internal) and control it from the app. I like the new functionality and look. Worked great for me.