2 degrees, wind chill -22


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2021
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I'm putting the 1600's double wall chamber to the test today. It's currently 2 degrees with a wind chill of -22 here at my house in NH. Making some loin backs for the game tonight. I will have a house full of Patriot fans, and me the sole Bills fan! GO BUFFALO!
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I'm putting the 1600's double wall chamber to the test today. It's currently 2 degrees with a wind chill of -22 here at my house in NH. Making some loin backs for the game tonight. I will have a house full of Patriot fans, and me the sole Bills fan! GO BUFFALO!View attachment 2190

Wow and good luck on that. If you get a chance let us know how the frigid temps played into the process compared to warmer.
And of course some pics of the finished product would be nice.
I got a smaller pork loin at Sam's the other day. It's in the fridge awaiting it's turn in the smoker.
Wow and good luck on that. If you get a chance let us know how the frigid temps played into the process compared to warmer.
And of course some pics of the finished product would be nice.
I got a smaller pork loin at Sam's the other day. It's in the fridge awaiting it's turn in the smoker.
Right now it is running about 20 degrees cooler than usual according to my external ambient probe. I'd say that's pretty good for the extreme low temperature outside at the moment. I will post updated and pics as the cook goes on.
Glad I don't have to worry about those temps.....Good luck today,,,,hope to see your team against my Packers on Feb 13th!

Oh by the way I am a Patriot hater
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So an hour in, the temp seems to have settled and is running about 50 degrees lower than normal. I'm still happy with that.
5 deg here this am. Word is tickets for the game tonight are 30.00, know one wants to go. 4 deg at kickoff with a windchill of up to minus 45 deg. And I hate green bay Go Chiefs.
5 deg here this am. Word is tickets for the game tonight are 30.00, know one wants to go. 4 deg at kickoff with a windchill of up to minus 45 deg.
Yeah that's crazy. Although I'd love to be at the game. I will be happy relaxing on the couch in my warm house with a cold beer tonight.
Glad I don't have to worry about those temps.....Good luck today,,,,hope to see your team against my Packers on Feb 22nd!

Oh by the way I am a Patriot hater
I live in Patriot country.........it's disgusting! Lol
I live in Patriot country.........it's disgusting! Lol
It's OK. Their disgusting stench reaches all the way here to Florida. I don't like 'em either. I am a fan of many teams. I like the Lions, Titans, Bills and Bucs and am a HUGE fan of whoever is playing the Pats.
It's OK. Their disgusting stench reaches all the way here to Florida. I don't like 'em either. I am a fan of many teams. I like the Lions, Titans, Bills and Bucs and am a HUGE fan of whoever is playing the Pats.
I knew I liked you Mike!
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