Well-known member
So yesterday morning when I started up my grill I opened the stack almost half way and set it for 300 it got up to it and stayed there. I wanted to smoke shoulder so I brought it down to smoke setting and and closed the stack tightened down it doesn’t really close and it stayed there for 2 hours. I then set the temp to 230 and it never got to 230 it was bouncing from 225-229. So I brought it up to 240 that bounced around from 234-239. So I thought to myself that’s odd cuz it got to 300 and stayed there for like 30 minutes. Only thing different I did was close the stack more. So I opened it up to where it was and within 15 minutes it got to 240 and stayed there. I know there has been some discussions about where to keep it at. But for some reason yesterday I had to open it to get to temp. All my other cooks I use to open it and when smoking I would shut it thinking that there are enough leaks in the grill that it wouldn’t matter and trying to keep more smoke in also. I’m wondering if my insulated blanket that’s on it stops some of the leakage and it actually needed to breathe more. Just something I noticed yesterday.