Pit Boss Platinum Laredo 1000 Day 2 Install and Burn
Installation complete no problems took about an hour. As they say the legs are the hardest to install but with I really like to sleek look. Let it rest for a few days while reading up on the tips and initial burn.
Did the initial burn finally yesterday. I used Pit Boss Pellets not sure if that matters. I also sprayed the core with oil to burn that in as well.
It took 4 minutes for the pellets to reach the burn pot.
The temp got to 350 F in about 30-40 minutes maybe a few minutes longer but I was happy with that
The Initial burn went as expected with no problems so far
I wanted to do pizza on the first bbq. So I used a pizza stone over the center of the grill.
As the temp got hotter it would not get up to 400 deg for some reason. Topped out at 350
So I figured it was a loss and moved the stone, once I moved the stone temp got to 400 and higher.
Any tips on pizza stone to use would be very welcome or maybe I did something wrong.
I ended up doing Hamburgers could not got wrong lol They came out great!
Thanks Guys for all the support!