Pbv4ps2 water pan question


New member
May 16, 2021
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Went from fb700 to pbv4ps2 this week. Was going to upgrade to the larger PB1150 at Lowes, but the pbv4 caught my eye after I decided I didn't use the sear feature on the fb700 for all the time I had it.

With that said, was just wondering what the water pan in the bottom is primarily for. Prevention of flare-ups from the meat above or keeping the area just above the firepot cover from getting too hot?
Water in the pan (should always have some) adds moisture and helps prevent temperature swings. Make sure your heat deflector is in correctly. That little handle is not a handle but a stopper that hits at the rear panel of the smoker.
Also, I read in the manual you can raise the water pan up away from the firepot for extended smokes. I haven't tried that yet.
Water in the pan (should always have some) adds moisture and helps prevent temperature swings. Make sure your heat deflector is in correctly. That little handle is not a handle but a stopper that hits at the rear panel of the smoker.
Also, I read in the manual you can raise the water pan up away from the firepot for extended smokes. I haven't tried that yet.
Thx. And yes the deflector is installed correctly. I checked YouTube and some other sites before putting unit together.
Water pan, when full of water will prevent any grease that may have dripped into from catching fire.