PB1230BL temp issue


New member
Oct 1, 2020
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I have a pit boss 1230BL. I have noticed a considerable difference in the temperature on the dial setting versus that on the temperature gauge on the smoker lid. Typically it is about 75° difference, for example if the cooking temp is set at 225°, the internal temperature on the dial, which is on the lid, will show 300°. Can anyone tell me if this is a normal thing with pit boss smokers or if there's some malfunction that I should be aware of and get fixed. thanks for looking.

I don't trust those lid thermometers. That doesn't mean they are not correct but heat rises and causes them to read higher than the digital readout. Also, if you can, take a meat probe and put it in the center and see how it reads. Don't set it directly on the grate. My external Bluetooth thermometer came with one of these and you clamp it to the grate then slide the thermometer thru the holes.


You can move it to several different areas on the grill but I usually put it where the meat cooks. it is also going to give you a different reading than the digital read out but should be closer than the lid thermometer.
Sounds like it is a common problem. I do use the meat probe that came with it, but I could get another one to use as another temp gauge. Thanks for the help.
What I noticed with Pit Boss lid gauge that is fairly accurate with the controller temp reading when you are using the grill at 250 or less. Once you get above 250 I notice the lid gauge goes way out of whack and it is not even close. If I am grilling at 400 with steaks then the lid temp is at 475 - 500 if I smoke at 225 the lid gauge sits around 220 - 225.

I have replaced my lid gauge with far more superior one with a longer probe as the Pit Boss lid gauge probe is to short in my opinion. The new one gives me more accurate results at higher temps

By the way I always like pushing InkBird products

This is a beast and it is very accurate with 3 meat probes and grill probe. Inkbird is really making a name for themselves in the market.

I am having the opposite problem. When the Grill and Digital Thermometer on my Pro 820 say 500 - the Grill lid temperature and a standalone oven thermometer inside show about 350. Thoughts?
I am having the opposite problem. When the Grill and Digital Thermometer on my Pro 820 say 500 - the Grill lid temperature and a standalone oven thermometer inside show about 350. Thoughts?

Just a FYI... You'll get a better response if you start a new thread and not add onto a existing one.

I have an 820 Pro also have discrepancy between the lid/barrel thermometer and the digital controller temperature. This is normal. It shouldn't be too much though. 50 to 80 degrees is nothing.
My wireless TP20, I trust more. I put one probe on the clip thing above the grates and use in its' #2 port to measure grill temp and the other probe goes into the meat and port #1.

You should also calibrate your smoker with the P settings. That will help to cut down on big temperature swings and bring the two thermometers closer in readings.
I also run my stack cap almost all the way open.
Wally, just curious but how do you calibrate the smoke with the P setting? I might need to do this on mine.