PB1000XLW1 Not getting to temp


New member
Aug 16, 2022
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Sioux City
My pit boss PB1000XLW1 it won’t go up to temp. Doesn’t go over like 200. I have taken it apart and made sure auger wasn’t jammed. The fire starts in the pot but won’t go high. Also the fan that moves the auger works but it’s is loud clinking when the auger turns it make the fan piece hit the metal and clunk. Any ideas or help to get this working
I'm a little new to this forum but I can try to help. Seems like you have the Austin XL, correct?

Do you have the temp controller set to "Smoke" or to a specific temperature?
Do you have separate temp probe on the grate, or are you using the Actual Temp readout on your controller to verify that it doesn't get over 200 degrees?
Can you confirm that the fan is definitely pushing air to the burn pot?

I do occasionally get a clunking sound when my auger turns, but I think it is just breaking up a pellet from the hopper. Is it a constant sound (like every time it feeds), or does it only happen some of the time?

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