New member
So ... I have a PitBoss Pro Combo. I have to say had I seen it before purchase I think I would have gone with the non-combo as each "side" is a pretty small area and hard to get to anything not near the front ... but that said, so far not so good luck. Ribs turned out VERY dry ... chicken has almost no smoke flavor to it (plenty of smoke being generated) ... tried burgers which actually turned out somewhat ok ... steak - gave up and just used the gas side.
On ribs, which is what I most would like to get right, I've tried spare ribs and baby back. Both ended up not all that tender and very dry. I tried I believe 3 hours on one and 6 on another (3-2-1). Same results.
I wasn't aware of the charcoal blend - I have to give that a try. We've tried all the regular stuff: apple/mesquite/hickory/competition - none of it really gave much of a smoke flavoring, not what I've had at good restaurants at least ... I'd guess Hickory was the best so far.
Also - on the group "what are you cooking this weekend" ... some videos and pictures there - if you would guys add details: how long, temp, meat type/weight, methods used/etc please. And if you spend 4 - 18 minutes on a video - show the results! Don't just end when the meat is about to come off the grate - you spent 10 - 15 minutes of my time - tell me how it turned out! Good? Not so good (being honest) ... what would you do different next time? Would you do it again (with that meat/rub/etc)??
On ribs, which is what I most would like to get right, I've tried spare ribs and baby back. Both ended up not all that tender and very dry. I tried I believe 3 hours on one and 6 on another (3-2-1). Same results.
I wasn't aware of the charcoal blend - I have to give that a try. We've tried all the regular stuff: apple/mesquite/hickory/competition - none of it really gave much of a smoke flavoring, not what I've had at good restaurants at least ... I'd guess Hickory was the best so far.
Also - on the group "what are you cooking this weekend" ... some videos and pictures there - if you would guys add details: how long, temp, meat type/weight, methods used/etc please. And if you spend 4 - 18 minutes on a video - show the results! Don't just end when the meat is about to come off the grate - you spent 10 - 15 minutes of my time - tell me how it turned out! Good? Not so good (being honest) ... what would you do different next time? Would you do it again (with that meat/rub/etc)??