New (Rookie) To Pellet Smokers


New member
Apr 8, 2022
Reaction score
Trinity Texas
I bought a PB 1000D3 from Tractor supply and I'm very happy with the purchase. I've cooked on everything from a campfire to a smoker I built and wore out. I've had Old Smokey's and Webbers and most everything in between.

This is my first Pellet Smoker; my first impression was "Why didn't I know about this earlier?" Oh well better late than never.

I do have a few questions, and I'll remind you I'm a rookie so be patient. There is a dome under the grates that has slots cut into it, and a lever that lets you adjust the size of the openings. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. What I need to know is that I see lots of YouTube videos that show the dome covered in aluminum foil. I'm guessing this is done to keep things clean.

If the foil serves another purpose, I'd like to know what they are. When would I need to do this and why?

I bought a PB 1000D3 from Tractor supply and I'm very happy with the purchase. I've cooked on everything from a campfire to a smoker I built and wore out. I've had Old Smokey's and Webbers and most everything in between.

This is my first Pellet Smoker; my first impression was "Why didn't I know about this earlier?" Oh well better late than never.

I do have a few questions, and I'll remind you I'm a rookie so be patient. There is a dome under the grates that has slots cut into it, and a lever that lets you adjust the size of the openings. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. What I need to know is that I see lots of YouTube videos that show the dome covered in aluminum foil. I'm guessing this is done to keep things clean.

If the foil serves another purpose, I'd like to know what they are. When would I need to do this and why?

Welcome to the group!
I open mine to see the pellets drop in the firebox and once it starts smoking I close it
Some folks use the foil to keep all that clean. To each they’re own
Clean it out after every second cook and clean the temperature sensor as well
It stops temperature swings.
I use a smoke tube
I layer pellets and wood chips for more smoke.
Hopefully this helps you
Roll that smoke 💨!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Welcome to the group!

The slots cut into the dome and sliding cover are officially there so that you can sear or flame cook on the grill, otherwise leave them shut. For example, after smoking some steaks at 225 up to ~10-15 degrees less than desired internal temp, you can remove them and crank the temperature on the grill to 400, wait for the fire to intensify and then give them a good flame sear on both sides. If all you have is the pellet grill it gives you flexibility is unique to Pit Boss (as far as I know), but you can only sear one of two steaks at a time and it takes a while to get it up to searing temp.

I have a gas grill on my deck as well as the pellet grill, and find it much easier to fire it up to max just as the steaks are reaching my targeted internal temp and then sear them on the gas grill (~1 minute per side). Great smoke flavour and consistent cooking results.

I use the sliding grate like Cowboy1955 said above: to see the pellets drop and the fire start when firing the grill up, but then I close it and get smoking.