New owner (as of 3 weeks ago)


Jul 21, 2021
Reaction score
South Central PA
Howdy all.

Stopped in one of the big box stores, and was looking at grills after getting what I needed. "Ooooo'd" and "Ahhhh'd" over several they had there. Next day at work, one of my coworkers mentioned he had just acquired the Pit Boss 1150, and spent some time extolling its awesomeness.

The following week, I went back and looked at it. It is impressive. Did a lot of research on the various models out there. My wife was telling me to just go and get it.

To shorten up this long story....She went out and bought it, and brought it home the night before fathers day.

My son and I put it together, and got everything ready for the next day. Started the process for burning in (the manual could be a bit more descriptive for how long it actually takes to start getting pellets to drop), cranked it up to 500 and let it run for a while.

Next day, I made everything on the grill. Smoked the burgers, then reverse seared them (didnt know it was called that). Anyway....everything was great.

Was on vacation last week. Smoked and grilled every day I was off. Amazing. Never expected this kind of performance out of a pellet smoker/grill.

Anyway....Hope to learn a lot here! Look forward to chatting with you all!

Just picked up my 1150 today. If it wasn't 125° outside I would start the burn in process. I'm a new pelletier so some suggestions on types of pellets would be great.
Just picked up my 1150 today. If it wasn't 125° outside I would start the burn in process. I'm a new pelletier so some suggestions on types of pellets would be great.

I'd start the burn in :D

My only solid suggestion on the pellets is to keep them dry.

I get what I can find. you might have better selection than I do out here.

I use PitBoss mesquite, apple, and hickory. I think these are all blends so there is some oak in it too. I can't find cherry locally.

I've also used Traeger gourmet but didn't care for the flavor. my local lowes carries PB and usually has what I need in stock so it is a bit of convenience.

Another comment. I shade my smoker in summer with a low-cost beach umbrella. I was having a hard time keeping temps down and tested the temp with the grill off. It got up to 125 in about an hour in the sun. Might be something to consider.
Cheapest I've found are Competition Blend at Lowe's. I use them for most of my cooks. Walmart has the charcoal pellets. They're almost as cheap and are great for burgers, steaks, etc. I use them with a smoke tube with Kingsford Hickory pellets and it's a great combo..
I went back to Lowes to pick up some pellets and noticed that they had the blankets for my Boss on clearance. I don't know if I needed one or not. Regardless, I have one now.
My burnoff has started.
I went back to Lowes to pick up some pellets and noticed that they had the blankets for my Boss on clearance. I don't know if I needed one or not. Regardless, I have one now.
My burnoff has started.
They say the blanket work great for winter smoking, many buy the welding blanket from Tractor Supply a lot cheaper.
Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

Someone asked about pics of my cooks....heh heh heh.....well......if the food lasted long enough, I would do so..... :)

My first attempt on this was a 4 or 5 pound pork shoulder. Had no clue about the "stall". was drier than I would have wanted it to be....but some storebought bbq sauce made it edible. (glad there were no pics of that)

Watched a couple thousand hours (ok...ok...maybe a couple hundred) of videos and learned of the "stall" and what to do up to and before that...

Smoked then reverse seared some delmonico's, ribeyes, and tbones. Those never even made it off the counter after resting.

Made a couple Onion Bombs. Oh my....Those are a new staple!

Some pork chops with some amazing glaze.

Made and smoked some meatloaf. (switched out from hickory to cherry pellets for that)

And lastly....a turkey breast. Even brining for 11 hours, and then injecting with marinade, and being super careful watching was delicious...but nowhere near as juicy as those hundreds of hours of videos show theirs to be. (I'm seriously beginning to wonder how much 'movie magic' happens in those videos)

Tomorrow I'm going to be prepping some chicken breasts, and sunday will be their cook day.....I'll keep ya posted there.
Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

Someone asked about pics of my cooks....heh heh heh.....well......if the food lasted long enough, I would do so..... :)

My first attempt on this was a 4 or 5 pound pork shoulder. Had no clue about the "stall". was drier than I would have wanted it to be....but some storebought bbq sauce made it edible. (glad there were no pics of that)

Watched a couple thousand hours (ok...ok...maybe a couple hundred) of videos and learned of the "stall" and what to do up to and before that...

Smoked then reverse seared some delmonico's, ribeyes, and tbones. Those never even made it off the counter after resting.

Made a couple Onion Bombs. Oh my....Those are a new staple!

Some pork chops with some amazing glaze.

Made and smoked some meatloaf. (switched out from hickory to cherry pellets for that)

And lastly....a turkey breast. Even brining for 11 hours, and then injecting with marinade, and being super careful watching was delicious...but nowhere near as juicy as those hundreds of hours of videos show theirs to be. (I'm seriously beginning to wonder how much 'movie magic' happens in those videos)

Tomorrow I'm going to be prepping some chicken breasts, and sunday will be their cook day.....I'll keep ya posted there.
I'm sorry ...your new too this...soundb like a smokehouse your running over there. Give us some tips