Fire keeps going out


New member
Mar 2, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth
Boy I wish I’d found this forum before I bought my PB. Twice now in the middle of a brisket, the fire has gone out on my 1000SC2. First time I got lucky as I caught it when the brisket was 200 deg internal. This time, not so much luck. Brisket went from 170 internal down to 120 while I napped for a couple hours. In both cases, the auger had deposited a huge hill of unlit pellets in the cup. Had to vacuum them all out and start the relight. So p*ssed off right now. Any ideas?
Boy I wish I’d found this forum before I bought my PB. Twice now in the middle of a brisket, the fire has gone out on my 1000SC2. First time I got lucky as I caught it when the brisket was 200 deg internal. This time, not so much luck. Brisket went from 170 internal down to 120 while I napped for a couple hours. In both cases, the auger had deposited a huge hill of unlit pellets in the cup. Had to vacuum them all out and start the relight. So p*ssed off right now. Any ideas?
You need to adjust the “P” value to a lower setting. That will slow down the pellet delivery to the burn pot.

see post #3 in from RCAlan in

Newbie with Austin xl​

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